Gen Z Lift Off Competition
Gen Z Lift Off Competition
What is Gen Z Lift Off?
A competition in 3 lifts for teens 12-18 for a shot to win prizes and bragging rights! The competition will be separated into three brackets: ages 12-14, 15-16, 17-18.
3 Lifts
Bench Press- Five correctly executed lifts with a spotter
Squat- Three repetitions
Deadlift- One max
Gen Z Lift Off Rules
- The Lifter that lifts the heaviest in each exercise and age bracket wins.
- All Lifters must perform the movement correctly. There will be multiple training sessions during the two weeks prior to the competition.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Lifters must warm up prior to their turn.
- Participants may choose to utilize safety equipment such as belts, chalk, wraps, etc..
- A spotter must be used for each exercise and can be chosen by the participant or a Staff Member can spot.
When is the Lift Off?!
April 10-21: Training sessions will be offered at various times to equip Lifters. Participants can choose sessions they want to attend- times will be announced in early April.
April 25th: Bench Press Day 3:30-5:00 pm
April 26th: Squat Day 3:30-5:00 pm
April 27th: Deadlift Day 3:30-5:00 pm
*Lifters will be given the time for their bracket for each day and are welcome to stay for the entire competition if the choose.